Wednesday 16 February 2011

Competition !

When making my magazine I must think of the competiton for my magazine.

Personally I think the smash hits magazine will be a competition as I am doing a pop sub genre.

I also think top of the pops could be a competition for my magazine.


Before making my music magazine I am going to research double page spreads of exsisting magazines to give me some inspiration.

This is the first double page spread I am going to look at for my research. On this double page spread the image is the main focus with hardly little text. For my project I could not choose this option as it has to be two pages of text. For this double page spread they have decided to do an article about the band whether Will - i - am will go solo. For the image they have blurred three members and kept Will - i - am bright and in normal colour. This is to represent that he is the main focus. The title of the article is written in a robotic style font which links to the bands personality as there new album is very robotic. The main colours used on this double page spread are brown's & beige's. This could imply mystery.

This is the second double page spread I am going to look at. This double page spread is very hectic as there is hardly any blank spaces. A main image is used as the background to one page. The main colours are red, beige and grey which would represent the colours of rock. Again there is hardly any text on this double page spread which would not link to my project. For this double page spread they have decided to do an interview as the main story.

Research - CONTENTS PAGE !

Before making my music magazine I am going to research contents pages of exsisting magazines to give me some inspiration.

This is the first contents page I am going to look at for my research. The main image on the contents page links with the main story in the magazine. For the contents page there is hardly any blank spaces but still looks simple and not over packed. On this particular magazine there is a headline to summarise what the magazine is about. A variety of images are used on the contents page to link with the stories which are going in the magazine. References to the page numbers are on the images so it is easier for the readers to understand. There is a simple list down the side of the page of the pages within the magazine each with a little description of what can be found on the certain page.

This is my second contents page I am going to look at. This has a similar layout to the first magazine although the images are alot smaller on this contents page and are all the same size but they still hold the same purpose in showing what is on certain pages. All fonts on this contents page are the same which makes it proffessional. Again there is a description of what will be on each page. Unlike the other contents page there is more blank spaces on this one. Nevertheless it still looks full and not too empty.

Research - FRONT PAGE !

Before making my music magazine I am going to research front covers of exsiting magazines to give me some inspiration.

This is the first magazine I am going to look at. For this magazine the main focus on the front cover is the image. On this particular front cover the image is covering part of the title. As the rolling stones is an iconic magazine the readers are still aware what magazine it is because the font is the usual font used. The background of this front cover is black and uses the headline "The Dark Side of Pink". This suits the background as the connotations of black are dark & also danger. On the image on the front cover Pink is looking directly into the camera which would attract the audience into buying the magazine. Pink is holding her leather jacket to give her a "hard" looking image which thinks to the headline. The title of the magazine is the colour red which could also represent danger.

This is the second magazine front cover I am going to look at. The background of this magazine is just white to connote peace and innocence. The usual Q logo is placed in the corner of the magazine to show the reader the make of the magazine. Take That are the main image which is also the main focus on this cover. They are having a pile on and are all smiling and laughing to represent the happiness of them back together as a group. They are all wear black leather jackets which could imply danger which contrasts with the innocence of the background. Wearing black leather jackets could also imply that it is not all smile's and laughter within the group and have hidden issues.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Character Profile !

When making my music magazine I had to decide who my target audience would be. To get this perfect I decided to make character profiles and get in the minds of members of my target audience. Also doing this would make my music magazine seem more relistic.

Character Profile 1 - The female audience ! 

- I would expect them to love hanging out with their friends and having a good laugh.

- I would expect them to shop in River Island, Topshop, New Look.

- When they went on holiday I would expect them to love sunbathing in the sun.

- I would expect them to get along with their family & appreciate everything.

This is what I would expect my female audience to look like.

Character Profile 2 - The male audience

- I would expect them to like hanging out with their friends.

- I would expect them to shop in topman, all saints, river island.

- I would expect them to appreciate girls.

- I would expect them to wear jeans or trendy pants.

This is what I would expect my male audience to look like.

Sub Genre !

Over the past few weeks I have had to decide what sub genre I am going to make my music magazine. I have decided to do the sub genre of pop. I decided to do this as this is the type of music I would listen to myself so in my opinion I think it would be easier to create my music magazine if knowing about the sub genre.

Flat Plan !

I have been thinking of the layout for my front cover. To help with this decision i decided to make a flat plan.

This is my flat plan I have produced.

In my lesson I have also made a flat plan of my double page article. This is just a rough idea of the layout of my double page spread.

This is the flat plan I produced.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Questionnaire for target audience !

For my music magazine I was asked to make a questionnaire which I would hand out to people I would expect to be in my range for my target audience. Here is the questions which I asked.

1.     What sort of magazine would you usually buy?
2.     How much would you usually pay for a magazine?
3.     What sort of music would you listen to in your spare time?
4.     What would attract you in buying a magazine?
5.     What would you expect to see on a front cover of a magazine?
6.     Would you want to see your horoscopes in a music magazine?
7.     What celebrities would you like to see in your magazine?
8.     What sort of thing would you read as the main article of your magazine?
9.     What colour schemes would you like to see on a magazine?
10.  How many magazines would you read within a week?
11.  Do you have any suggestions of what should go on my music magazine?

We are going to hand out these questionnaires to get feedback to help me in creating my music magazine.
Later I will be posting the feedback :D

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Section 1 - The Introduction

What I have learnt from this task

This was the first time I had used photoshop so this was a challenge for me to work out how to use it. As this was the first time I had produced a magazine like this I had to take time to look at other work to influence me on layout but also my photography which I used.

Section 1 - The Introduction

This was one of minor changes I decided to change. For my two images on the right of my magazine I decided to put black borders around them to make them stand out and to add a little extra to the magazine cover.
Another change I did was:
I decided to change the main image I used, I did not use my original idea as it was difficult to cut out and make the edges smooth in photoshop.

While making my magazine I experimented with different fonts. In my original idea I wanted the main title and the article title to be different fonts. Although in my opininion I thought my magazine cover looked more proffessional having these two titles the same font.

Here are my final results for making my school magazine.

Front cover

Contents Page

Section 1 - The Introduction

Target Audience

My target audience for my music magazine are both male & female aged 14 - 25


I have learnt in my lessons that layout is a vital part of making my magazine. In proffessional magazines there are hardly any blank spaces as blank spaces waste money for the company. Although a magazine does not want to be too crowded or it can start not to look realistic.

Section 1 - The Introduction

What makes a good photograph?
In my opinion I think that a good photograph should have good quality and should not be blurred. For a front cover of a magazine I think the photograph should be a medium shot but for the other photo's I think they should be a variety of shot types as this is what would hit the criteria.

This was my original choice for my front cover for my school magazine as this was a good photograph with having good quality and it was also a medium shot.

I also liked this photo but thought it was a bad photograph for a main image as the person is not looking directly at the camera and could be discussed whether or not it was a medium shot.